Seek! (:

information :)

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Imma, Jane Doe. Loves : Ice-cream. Trees. Bubbles. Sky. Facebook. Reblog photos. Kittens. Candy. Fluffy clouds. Hot chocolate. Laughs ;)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Geng zaman comot

Right. Not so comot lah during our school time dulu. Lol *I seriously can't lie you this.

At that time, KGV memang strict dengan name tag nya, colour of your socks bla bla bla. But you do knw thats all for a good reason kan. Self discipline.

Sekarang ni banyak flashback zaman sekolah, zaman asrama and etc.Good time ya knw. And up till now, its been 3 years since I left KGV. ;)

Hmm, let the pictures do the talking kay.

Geng Muzoofarians

Why zoo? Because mungkin kerana suka binatang? Nah, Idk.

Sorang jadi tupai, hmm Aishah eh ? Still Idk. Lol.
Sorang jadi hamster, hmm Yusri eh ? Idk. Lol.
Sorang jadi tenggiling, hmm Aku eh?  Facepalm. T.T

Tenggiling pun boleh, tak kisah pun jadi apa asalkan bukan yang harom. Ciskek betul sekiranya terjadi. Makan hentak berlipat gamaknya nanti. Lol. Bongkak. I knw.

Kaka, Wani, Syafna, Ariani, Tika, Aishah, Nana and Me

Kitorang bestfriend you knw. Hell yeah.

Sekarang dah jauh. Sad angat. Rindu diorang. I miss you guys so much.

Geng Aspuri 

Waaa takde gambar. Gambar semua dalam netbook yang dah collapse tu.

Nasib baik simpan dalam Disk D. Goooooooooooooddddddd.

Geng terdiri daripada,

Me myself
Farahana Nabila or search je MakCik 
Anis Fasihah Azmi
Fatin Nabilah Mohd Nasir
Tasha Nabylla
Noor Izzati Mazrol
Kak Sai
Kak Naza
Kak Syak
Kak Shuhana
Bla bla bla bla. Ramai pulak kannnn. T.T

Hihi. Okay. Sekian.

I did have a good time with them. And some are still connected with me walaupun through social networks je.

I love chu olls. Love you muchos.


Thank You :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


*Tears rolling down the cheeks

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk,

Okay, such a drama queen. I knw.

Serious rinduuuuu, I miss you like,

I miss you like a fat kid misses sugar.
I miss you like peanut butter misses jelly.
I miss you like a shopaholic misses shopping. (sorry had to say that one)
I miss you like a girl misses her prada (or someother brand)
I miss you like a teenage girl misses her Edward Cullen. (except me)
I miss you like a monkey misses its banana.
I miss you like a teenage girl (Karunya) misses her fair share of Chuck and Blair scenes in Gossip Girl.
I miss you like a teacher misses her vacations. (jk)
I miss you like lightning misses thunder.

All thanks to yahoo for these phrase.

Well it seems like yahoo have spoken for me. Thanks.

Thank You :)

I think i'm ready.

Right. Temuduga. *sigh

Ceritanya cuma nak temuduga untuk jadi cashier dekat Grand Union. Tapiiiii, mood masih dalam mood cuti.

Sad sad sad.

Nak kerja, nak dapat duit, because I've got bill to be paid.

Okay, I'm all ready to go. All the best for myself :)

Kbye. *waving hands

*waving hands

Thank You :)

Its been so long duh.

Hi. Hello there earthlings.

Okay, aku or maybe saya or maybe just maybe aku pun confuse nak gelar diri sendiri apa bila taip sorang sorang tengah malam ni.

Hmm. Its been so long since I last posted a post here kan.

Blog. Right, lets blogging and digging all the stories since ______ *idk. randomly saying.

Fefeeling nak cakap english se fluent Yuna, geng ambik MUET or whoever yang aku envy dengan diorang punya english fluency.

Okay, here is something from 8th September 2012.

Let see, right next to me ni Muhammad Sabree. Hi Sabree. *waving both hands*

Captured during FSKM Dinner which was located at Bayview Hotel, Melaka. Standard hotel, good food with good environment and also with some bunch of weirdos from UiTM which is us. Standard datang tempat orang especially ada special occasion from our very beloved faculty.

Annual Dinner. Standard. Standard.

Jarang update kan. Letak gambar lebih baru style. *whatever

Siti Nurshahidah Ali

This green human being is so green. Lol. Ida hmm I can say that she's the one who would be at my side when i'm all way down or up. Good time. Good time.

Muhd Nor Zaidi Zainal Abidin

Eh betul tak eja nama zaidi? Hihi. Idk. Zaidi, tinggi sangat. Pandai, geng sama macam ida. He can be a lil bit shy and lelaki yang bagus. Bagus, zaidi kerja during our two months sem break untuk ganti balik lappy dia yang hilang dicuri. Well done zaidi !

Noor Syaheera Mohd Safuan

Hi angah. *wave wave.
Satu kelas panggil nama syaheera ni angah. How cute is that. Angah ni semua orang suka. She's friendly, a good friend and pandai bully nina. Bad angah is being bad. Hihi.

Picture of the day, well basically on that day lah.

Tak cukup one whole class of MCS 1103C ni. Banyak hilang.

Okay, that's all for today. Have a good sleep people. 



Thank You :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Perkampungan budaya.

Right. Let the pictures speak for itself.

Take 1   
Have fun watching then. <3                                                       

Friday, 13, 2012

Wohoo ! Masuk cheers and for your information aku pakai redah je masuk cheers kali ni. To be exact, without any preparation. Muahaha. Pergh, sumpah gelabah habis. Hehe. Ngengada lagi, padan la muka sendiri. Haha. Tapi takpe, bukan semua orang kenal pun. "  I bukan retis la uollss ". :D 

meet, Wan Khalidah Aqilah

Apa boleh buat, esok test. I have to be prepared. :(                                                                            

They look cheerful and me? Sungguh tak senonoh. Pfftt -.-'

Last but not least, they have successfully coloured my weekend. Aww :')

Saturday, 14, 2012

Wah wah, hari ni ada pertandingan koir. Okay, set. Buat yang terbaik lah kannnn? Sape yang tak nak menang. And we won ! Dapat tempat kedua. Well, not bad for the beginners like us. Muehehe. :P

Right after habis buat persembahan koir, aku dengan ida rush ke masjid and kononnya nak sambung study Calculus sebab sat g ada test serentak dekat Dewan kuliah 1. Fuhhh. Cuak. Asal yang melibatkan nombor je gigil gigil lutut ni. Perghh. T.T. Alhamdulillah segalanya berjalan lancar. Haha.

P/S : Tengok je result nanti camne. Hahaha.

Gambar gambar sebelum bertanding. 

Cik Landlord. Hehe.


Meet, Siti Nurshahidah Ali ;) 

amboi. :P

Haaa, kan dah kata kitorang study Calculus time tu. Hihi. 

Sunday, 15, 2012

Okay, hari terakhir untuk perkampungan budaya ni. :) On the very last day, we took lots of pictures. Hihi. Well, we maybe should thanks to my adik for lending me her camera. Meroyan dengan gambar je. :P

Pergh, sumpah banyak gila gambar. -.-' 


Thank You :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Berblog lagiii

Okay. Aku dah lama tak berblog. Rasanya kalau ada sawang dekat blog ni memang dah banyak kot. Muahaha.

Itu la akibat malas. Ada je blog tapi tak ada langsung niat nak gunakannya. :D Aku pun tak tahu nak mula daripada mana. Yelah, kan blog seharusnya macam your not-so-private diary. Haha.

Malas ah menaip. Kbye.
Thank You :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dear Mr.Diary - Day 4 -

Hari ke-4. Dull

Right. Here's the story. Umm umm, bangun pagi kejutkan Mr.Somebody. Hewhewhew. ;) Teruskan kegiatan seharian seperti biasa. Memandangkan rumah dah seperti medan tempur yang Hulalaa, maka saya sebagai anak yang rajin lagi comel. Aww aww. :3 Merajinkan diri melakukan tugasan rumah.

Misi :

         * Memastikan rumah dalam keadaan teratur.
         * Mengemas hadapan a.k.a halaman rumah.
         * Menyusun dan mengatur meja dan etc.

Memandangkan saya tiba tiba menjadi malas, jadi haruslah dilanjutkan tugasannya menjadi etc. Hihi. Tak perlu dinyatakan disini( sebenarnya kesemuanya tidak seharusnya diceritakan ).

Malas dah. Kbye. :3
Nota : Gambar tiada kena mengena dengan kehidupan sebenar saya.

Thank You :)

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